CD47 is a protein complex composed of specific integrin, G protein, and cholesterol and is widely expressed on the surface of cell membrane. The ligand for CD47 is the SIRPα chain, a transmembrane protein, whose extracellular region contains three immunoglobulin superfamily-like regions and the N-terminal region mediates binding to CD47.


CD47 on erythrocytes inhibits phagocytosis through interaction with the inhibitory immunoreceptor SIRPα expressed by macrophages. Thus, the CD47-SIRPα interaction constitutes a negative signal for erythrocyte phagocytosis.

Article. M Caspi Tal et al. Upregulation of CD47 is a host checkpoint response to pathogen recognition. CD47 is a ubiquitously immune-regulatory protein that is found on the surface of many cells in the body. It tells circulating immune cells called macrophages not to eat these cells by binding to phagocyte-expressed signal regulatory protein alpha (SIRPα). CD47 is found to be overexpressed on tumor cells and act as a don't eat me' signal, which contributes to immune evasion.

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However, targeting CD47 led to significant anemia and thrombocytopenia in both pre-clinical studies and phase I trials as CD47 is also expressed on normal red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets. Responsiveness of cells to CD47 ligation increased following DRP1 overexpression, while resistance to CD47-mediated death was observed following DRP1 downregulation. In CLL B cells, DRP1 mRNA levels strongly correlated with death sensitivity. CD47 is an antiphagocytic signal that cancer cells employ to inhibit macrophage-mediated destruction. CD47 and SIRPA are co-expressed in some cell types, and signaling functions involving lateral interactions have been proposed but not clearly established (Maile et al., 2003).

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Stains human CD47 transfectants but not irrelevant transfectants. Source. Monoclonal Mouse IgG1 Clone # 472603. Purification. Protein A or G purified from 

It tells circulating immune cells called macrophages not to eat these cells. The body uses the CD47 protein to protect cells that should be protected and to help dispose of cells that are aged or diseased.


CD47. CD47 is a kind of protein that is found on the surface of many cells in the body. It tells circulating immune cells called macrophages not to eat these cells. The body uses the CD47 protein to protect cells that should be protected and to help dispose of cells that are aged or diseased.


From: Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases, 2015.


Engagement of CD47 by soluble ligands or counter receptors modulates various signaling pathways, such as activation of heterotrimeric G proteins. CD47. CD47 is a kind of protein that is found on the surface of many cells in the body. It tells circulating immune cells called macrophages not to eat these cells. The body uses the CD47 protein to protect cells that should be protected and to help dispose of cells that are aged or diseased.
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Författare: Gravatar Gabriel Nogueira. Tidsstämpel: April 24, 2020, 17:00 (UTC). Loggmeddelande:.

Berättare: Johan Ulveson. Omfång: 1 CD47 min. Markerad betygsstjärna Omarkerad betygsstjärna.
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Namn, Källa, Språk. magrolimab, INN, Svenska. magrolimab, INN, Engelska. immunoglobulin G4-kappa, anti-CD47, monoclonal antibody, --, Engelska 

Förnamn. Genus. Titel. Dödsdatum.

CD47 (Myc-DDK-tagged)-Human CD47 molecule (CD47), transcript variant 2.

Detta bildstöd är skapat via i samarbete med. Bedömningsbilen med särskilt  Inläst ur: 1.

-Fäster på baksidan av telefonen. -Svart kulör.  ämnen allotransplantation Transplantimmunologi Abstrakt CD47-deficient hepatocyttransplantation inducerar snabb medfödd immuncellsaktivering och  The epic journey of the Winchesters comes to a close as SUPERNATURAL enters its final season. Sam and Dean have battled everything supernatural.